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Planning Board Minutes 08/05/2010
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
August 5, 2010

Members Present:  Chairman Tom Jameson, Vice-Chairman Richard Moore, Ex-Officio Jeffrey Jordan, Kevin Mara, Alan Mayville, Thomas Houle, and Mike Valotto.

Chairman Jameson called the meeting to order at 6:34pm.

The minutes of July 1, 2010 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Mr. Mara to approve the minutes as written with a minor grammatical correction.  Motion passes.

Lot Line Adjustment: David Bickert Map 7 Lot 25 and George & Alice Tombarello Map 7 Lot 37 on Durgin Road

Surveyor Jeff Green was present to speak on the merits of the application.

Mr. Green explained that the purpose of the proposal was to transfer 36.610 acres from Lot 25 to Lot 37.  The receiving lot is currently 16.128 acres and is currently a backland parcel with 40.91 feet of road frontage on Durgin Road (class IV).  The remainder of Lot 25 will be 10.613 acres.  Wetland delineation was completed upon Lot 25 providing a minimum of 4.636 acres of contiguous area not encumbered by wetlands.  The lot is located in the Residential Zone and only requires 2 acres of upland area.  There shall be a deed restriction, restricting the use of Lot 37 for any building or development purposes.

There was discussion amongst the Board members of whether Lot 37 would be required to come into compliance with the provision of the minimum road frontage.  It was determined that the lot did not have to come into conformance as its use was not being changed and the deed restriction would enforce this.    The application checklist was reviewed for accuracy and completion.

A motion was made by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mr. Mara to accept the application as complete.  Motion passes.

Chairman Jameson called the Public Hearing on the preceding application to order.  

Abutters Present:  Edward and Cassandra Hayes, Map 7 Lot 24-1

The abutters present had no objections to the application and were present for informational purposes.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Mayville to approve the application as presented with the subsequent condition that a deed restriction be contained within the transfer documents providing that Map 7 Lot 37 be considered backland and not suitable for development.  Motion passes.

Other Business

K Towle Realty Trust, Map 4 Lot 166:  Bill and Karen Towle were present at the request of the Board of Selectmen regarding their recent zoning violation of storing excess vehicles and running an unapproved business from the site.  The Towles are seeking permission to park more than the permitted five (5) RV’s  and operate the rental business from the site.  Mr. Towle explained that they do not sell any RV’s and the business is strictly seasonal rentals.  Mr. Jameson explained that the previous approval was based upon the storage of not more than 5 units for the purpose of advertising display as it was understood that the RV’s were stored at Lugg Plaza.  Mr. Towle stated  that they had to forfeit their space at Lugg Plaza due to the economy and that there are still trailers stored off site at another location.

The Towles were instructed that if they desire to amend their site plan to include additional RV storage and the operation of the rental business, that a revised plan shall be submitted for review under the Site Plan Review process.

Membership appointments:  Mr. Valotto questioned why he was not appointed to fill the vacancy on the Board as he was the most senior alternate member.  It was explained that the jurisdiction of appointments lies with the Board of Selectmen.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Valotto to adjourn the meeting at 8:10pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike                                                            Approved as written.

Thomas Jameson, Chairman